A Perfect Day is a Matter of Perspective
Ever cursed the rain, only to hear a sunny, “Nice weather for ducks!”? My first year in Portland, Oregon was a neon green, love affair with the constantly watered environs (the honeymoon period wore thinner Year Two). We can find ourselves wondering how our, seemingly objective, dreary day, could hold delight for another. Happiness can be contagious and joy can be referred, but how do we achieve a perspective shift when we’re deep in the gloom? Here are some quick happiness boosters:
Grab your journal - It’s time to get to the bottom of what’s on top of you. Write it out. See my quick & easy tips to starting a jounraling practice here.
Take a walk - Get outside to get outside yourself. Nature is a great healer and a natural way to gain perspective.
Remember the cosmos - When life looms large, it’s helpful to consider our planet’s place in an immense galaxy, which is in itself an infinitesimal part of the uncharted universe.
Allow time for creativity - Do something to express yourself. Singing is a great way to get the yuck out, get the oxygen flowing and find your power. Perhaps keep some long-living modelling clay at your desk, colored pencils your a pencil holder, or take a dance break.
Call a friend - Talking it out is great. Not only can you move the issue along in your mind, but the social support aspect is so important to nourish our connection and feel loved.
Let me know if any of these help you and if you’d add others to the list!