LiveWork Solutions is all about life in balance. We believe in all things (well, most things) in moderation. Of course this is easier said than done. We are inexplicably drawn to some things, while others may repel us. To understand how to bring balance into your life, you have to first understand your own unique imprint. Infinity Wellness is a framework for understanding the 8 main aspects of Self. Using this methodology, we can examine which of your aspects are strong and well developed, and which might need a little more love and attention.
Each aspect requires our focus and will draw energy, with or without permission - there is no avoiding any part of oneself, at least not for long. Learn more about how these disparate parts of ourselves interweave and shape our identity…
Click on the image to explore each aspect and contact us for more information.
Infinity Wellness is a methodology for restoring balance.
Since 1999, Infinity Wellness has helped clients achieve and maintain balance in their lives. The process emerged from the marriage of holistic psychology & systems theory with the study of Reiki and the chakras. The chart below illustrates the constantly interacting aspects of the Self. Through this integrated investigation, practitioner and client uncover areas of strength, weakness, or imbalance. As these aspects are explored in session, the stage is set for the emergence of greater clarity and personal evolution.
The Infinity Wellness chart illustrates the 8 Aspects of Self.
The charts color code corresponds to the aspect’s main chakra.
The Infinity Wellness holistic mental health model helps you to become the conscious author of your life story, bearing witness to your process, using patience, humor, self-compassion and love.
Dominant Aspect Assessment
from LiveWork Solutions