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Breathe & Journal: Easy, Effective Meditation Moments

Meditation doesn’t have to be something formal, with props and rules. Give yourself the gift of the present, by just taking time to reside fully in the present.

I love the definition of ego as “edging God out”. The ego resides in the past and worries about the future. The integrated Self, spirit, soul, lives in the in the here and now.

Giving yourself an opportunity to bring your attention to Now, helps energize and ground you. This is also great place to start a journaling session. Ground yourself with these few deep breaths. Pay attention to how the breath fills first the belly, and then the chest. Notices how your body expands and contracts with the breath. Notice places of tension and try to breathe into those places and release. Say to yourself:

Right now, right here, I am fine, I am safe.

Do this throughout your day, whenever you:

  • feel your thoughts running away from you

  • are experiencing tension in your body

  • are in the midst of chaos

  • just need a breather

If you have more time and want to take this insightful presence a step further, take out your journal. Because we want to reinforce how easily and quickly we can integrate relaxation into your busy day, set your timer for 10-15 minutes and/or commit to only filling 1-2 pages. With this grounded body awareness, now answer any/all of following questions:

How am I feeling (physically/emotionally/mentally/spiritually)?

What is important to me right now?

Where in my life am I feeling gratitude?

Where am I holding stress?

When you feel done, make a mental note of whether you’re feeling any differently now and see if you can release/reframe any of the stressors you noticed.

Want to go even further?

FEB 5th, 2023 Journaling as active meditation for the busy mind

FEB 7th, 2023 Journaling for clarity and growth