
Wake Up with Your Journal

Wake Up with Your Journal

I love my work and mental health is my favorite pastime, but I still find it hard difficult to get out of bed and get going in the morning. (Especially when my dog jumps in bed with me!) I look for motivation in nature, in inspiring music and in my journal.

Journaling before work helps wake up my brain and orient me to the day ahead.

Try the following prompts before you start your work day:

Journaling from Confusion to Clarity

Journaling from Confusion to Clarity

If you’re like me, you sometimes feel like you’re living in a fog, seeing the world with fuzzy edges and hearing conversations in muffled tones. When in this place of confusion, I rely on my journal to create direction out of the darkness.

Here are some basic tips to start of journaling from confusion to clarity.

Etch-A-Sketch Journaling

Etch-A-Sketch Journaling

Journaling helps us to clear our minds in order to focus on what’s ahead of us. Think of your mind as an Etch-a-Sketch and as journaling as your hands shaking off the past, in order to be awake in the present.

Therapists & Rockstars Get Stressed Too

Therapists & Rockstars Get Stressed Too

Everyone gets stressed. Even rockstars, yogis, coaches and therapists (loving seeing therapists and rockstars in the same sentence). So grateful for celebrities like, Megan Thee Stallion for spotlighting mental health (see Bad Bitches Have Bad Days Too) and showing us that even the most together people one can imagine, can still have bad days. Anxiety, sadness, worry, insecurities…These feelings flare up for all of us and can steer us into a pit of gloom. My surefire way of steering clear, or shoveling myself out, is to write in my journal. I start with the truth as I know it, and then begin my inquiry. For example try this in your journal…

Breathe & Journal: Easy, Effective Meditation Moments

Breathe & Journal: Easy, Effective Meditation Moments

Meditation doesn’t have to be something formal, with rules and rights and wrongs. Give yourself the gift of the present, but just taking time to reside fully in the present. Giving yourself an opportunity to bring your attention to Now, helps energize and ground you. This is a great place to start a Journaling session. Ground yourself with these few deep breaths and this body awareness and answer the following,

Good News about S.A.D

Good News about S.A.D

Does fall fill you with dread, knowing winter follows on its heels? If so, you’re not alone and you might suffer from SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The following 6 tips are great techniques to help sustain you through the dark days of winter:

A Therapist's Guide to Happy Streaming

A Therapist's Guide to Happy Streaming

While I’m not an advocate for mindless binging, I am a strong proponent of mindful streaming! Here’s an exhaustive list of shows that are both enjoyable and intelligent. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll learn.

Dream Journaling: Dispatches from the Deep

Dream Journaling: Dispatches from the Deep

The Talmud says, "A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unopened." Recent scientific studies estimate that 95% of brain activity is unconscious. Recording your dreams is like receiving dispatches from the deepest part of yourself, a personalized map into your own great unknown.

In order to begin understanding your dreams, here are some helpful tips:

Journaling as a game of Where's Waldo

Journaling as a game of Where's Waldo

Think of your thoughts like a game of Where's Waldo. There are so many busy, colorful & distracting characters, it can be a challenge to know where to look for what's important. Journaling allows you to examine & sift through all the non-Waldos in the form of extraneous, or superficial thoughts, in order to focus on the heart of the matter, which may, or may not be a guy in a striped shirt & beanie.